
The rea­ding mate­rial asso­cia­ted with each set of sli­des is inclu­ded in the final sli­de of each set. Reading mate­rial is requi­red to pass the cour­se. Additional links are pro­vi­ded here and the­re in the files, and althou­gh not requi­red, can real­ly impro­ve your under­stan­ding of the subject.

Title Handouts Slides
01 — Introduction [pdf] [pdf]
02 — Reliable broadcast [pdf] [pdf]
03 — Epidemic protocols [pdf] [pdf]
04 — Impossibility of Consensus [pdf]
05 — Consensus with fai­lu­re detectors [pdf] [pdf]
06 — Complex networks [pdf] [pdf]
07 — P2P [pdf] [pdf]
08 — Epidemics: Beyond dissemination [pdf] [pdf]
09 — Raft Consensus [pdf] [pdf]
10 — Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance Part 1 [pdf] [pdf]
10 — Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance Part 2 [pdf] [pdf]
11 — BitCoin [pdf] [pdf]
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