
These videos (mix of Italian and English, for this year) have been recor­ded during the a.y. 2018/2019 — the mis­sing ones have not been recor­ded or I had recor­ding problems.

Title Italian English
A01.1 — Introduction [Youtube]
A02.1 — Strings [Youtube]
A02.2 — Lists [Youtube]
A02.3 — Tuples [Youtube]
A02.4 — Dictionaries [Youtube]
A03.1 — Structured pro­gram­ming Part 1 [Youtube]
A03.2 — Structured pro­gram­ming Part 2 [Youtube]
A04.1 — Functions [Youtube]
A05.1 — Programs, I/O [Youtube]
A06.1 — Recursion [Youtube]
A07.1 — Pandas [Youtube]
B01.1 — Algorithm Analisys 1 [Youtube]
B01.2 — Algorithm Analisys 2 [Youtube]
B01.3 — Algorithm Analisys 3 [Youtube]
B04.1 — Graphs 1 [Youtube]
B04.2 — Graphs 2 [Youtube]
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