Distributed Algorithms name change (again)

The Distributed Algorithm cour­se, for­mer­ly kno­wn as Distributed Systems, will chan­ge name again in 2016/2017: it will be cal­led Distributed Systems 2 and will be given in the 2nd seme­ster. The new Distributed System 1 cour­se, given by Prof. Gian Pietro Picco, will cover the basic notion of distri­bu­ted systems; the new Distributed System 2 cour­se, given by myself, will cover advan­ced con­cep­ts in distri­bu­ted systems and algo­ri­thms. Both cour­se will have an exten­ded lab part.

Please note that the web­si­te has not been upda­ted to reflect the new con­tent yet.

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