

My cur­rent research focu­ses mostly on algo­ri­thms for unstruc­tu­red data, such as gra­phs and hyper­gra­phs, com­pu­ter scien­ce edu­ca­tion, and distri­bu­ted algo­ri­thms, in decrea­sing order of importance.

How to ask for a thesis

The pro­cess of pai­ring a stu­dent with their super­vi­sor can be chal­len­ging in Trento, as well as in other Italian uni­ver­si­ties. Students reque­st a the­sis topic, and pro­fes­sors either pro­po­se ideas or decli­ne, citing rea­sons such as being over­com­mit­ted, having too many stu­den­ts, or not having any avai­la­ble pro­jec­ts at the moment

Sometimes, I find myself in a posi­tion whe­re I must decli­ne a stu­den­t’s reque­st for super­vi­sion. During cer­tain periods, I recei­ve four to five requests per week, and it beco­mes dif­fi­cult to pro­vi­de the neces­sa­ry level of gui­dan­ce to all stu­den­ts. To assess if a stu­dent is the right fit for a the­sis, I reque­st that you send me an email spe­ci­fy­ing the fol­lo­wing information:

  • When you want to start
  • When you want to finish (ideal­ly)
  • How many exams you need to pass in order to com­ple­te your degree
  • The list of exams as out­put by Esse3, with the marks that you have obtained
  • The gra­de point ave­ra­ge (voto medio pesato)
  • If you have addi­tio­nal expe­rien­ces besi­de the cour­ses at the uni­ver­si­ty, add a CV
  • Your per­so­nal inte­rests in the field of com­pu­ter science

I pre­fer to super­vi­se the­ses that are either com­ple­te­ly exter­nal (sta­ge + the­sis com­ple­ted in a com­pa­ny) or com­ple­te­ly inter­nal (UniTN intern­ship + the­sis com­ple­ted at DISI). This cor­re­sponds to 15 ECTS cre­di­ts at the Bachelor level (appro­xi­ma­te­ly 2.5 mon­ths full-time, lon­ger if part-time) and to 30 ECTS cre­di­ts at the master level (appro­xi­ma­te­ly 5 mon­ths full-time, lon­ger if part-time).

As for stu­dent selec­tion, the­re are two options.

  • Either (you have got a very good gra­de in ASD (28+) and you have a very good gra­de ave­ra­ge (26+) and you have a pas­sion for pro­blem solving),
  • or (you are inte­re­sted in topics that struck my ima­gi­na­tion). You want exam­ples? Algorithms for ori­ga­mi geo­me­try, 3D-prin­ting of mathe­ma­ti­cal objec­ts to teach blind peo­ple, gene­ra­ti­ve (com­pu­ta­tio­nal) art, the algo­ri­th­mic beau­ty of plan­ts, algo­ri­thms for chess engi­nes — the cra­zier, the better.

So, don’t be shy and wri­te me an email — you know that I will reply!

Current status

After rea­ching my maxi­mum num­ber of stu­den­ts in 2021 (24), I mana­ged to redu­ce them slightly in 2022 (23). I’ve mana­ged to redu­ce this num­ber more in 2023 (18, but 4 of them were not able to finish by end of the year). I cur­ren­tly have 17 stu­den­ts for 2024 (inclu­ding the 4 mis­sing from 2023). The rea­son for redu­cing the num­ber is that I have other com­mit­men­ts, and having too many stu­den­ts means I can­not dedi­ca­te enou­gh time to each of them. Therefore, if I decli­ne your reque­st, it is becau­se I want to main­tain a decent level of sup­port and quality.

Around September of each year, I col­lect requests from third-year Informatica stu­den­ts who want to gra­dua­te by the summer/fall of the fol­lo­wing year. For exam­ple, in September 2023, I have col­lec­ted requests for spring/summer of 2024. At the same time, I reach out to com­pa­nies such as SpazioDati, U‑Hopper, Think-In, and research cen­ters such as Eurecat (Barcelona) and FBK (Trento) and ask them to pro­po­se some ideas. Some of the the­ses are outsour­ced to them, but only if I genui­ne­ly tru­st the peo­ple involved.

  Active Completed
2019   19
2020   18
2021   24
2022   23
2023   14
2024 12 9

How to write a thesis

When I review the the­sis, I end up giving always the same sug­ge­stions. I’ve col­lec­ted them in this page.

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