Valutazione didattica

Per spi­ri­to di tra­spa­ren­za, que­sta pagi­na con­tie­ne le valu­ta­zio­ni didat­ti­che che ho rice­vu­to negli ulti­mi anni. In ognu­no dei file tro­va­te qual­che spie­ga­zio­ne sul­la meto­do­lo­gia, che cam­bia di anno in anno (sfor­tu­na­ta­men­te).

For the sake of trans­pa­ren­cy, this page con­tains the tea­ching eva­lua­tions I got in the last years. In each of the file, you may find some expla­na­tion about the metho­do­lo­gy, which (unfor­tu­na­te­ly) keeps changing.

Year Course
2019/2020 ASD
2019/2020 LCSE
2019/2020 DS2
2018/2019 ASD
2018/2019 SP-Data Science
2018/2019 SP-QCB-Parte 1
2018/2019 SP-QCB-Parte 2
2018/2019 DS2
2017/2018 ASD
2017/2018 SP
2016/2017 ASD
2016/2017 DS2
2016/2017 SP
2015/2016 ASD
2015/2016 DA
2014/2015 ASD
2014/2015 DA
2013/2014 ASD
2012/2013 ASD
2012/2013 DS
2011/2012 ASD+DS
2010/2011 ASD
2009/2010 ASD+DS
2007/2008 ASD+DS
2006/2007 ASD+DS


  • ASD — Algoritmi e Strutture Dati
  • DS — Distributed Systems
  • DA — Distributed Algorithms
  • SP — Scientific Programming
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