
I’m mar­ried with Alice and father of Federica and Francesco. I love run­ning, hiking, and skiing.

In 2014, toge­ther with a few friends, I foun­ded Coderdojo Verona. The CoderDojo move­ment belie­ves that an under­stan­ding of pro­gram­ming lan­gua­ges is increa­sin­gly impor­tant in the modern world, that it’s both bet­ter and easier to learn the­se skills ear­ly, and that nobo­dy should be denied the oppor­tu­ni­ty to do so. To that end, the Coderdojo move­ment has built a glo­bal net­work of free, volun­teer-led, com­mu­ni­ty-based pro­gram­ming clubs for young peo­ple. Anyone aged seven to seven­teen can visit a Dojo whe­re they can learn to code, build a web­si­te, crea­te an app or a game, and explo­re tech­no­lo­gy in an infor­mal, crea­ti­ve, and social envi­ron­ment. The pic­tu­res below are a clear exam­ple of that!

Coderdojo is also an oppor­tu­ni­ty to tra­vel! Below on the left, you can se my daughter Federica in the Alcide de Gasperi room at the European Parliament in Brussels, try­ing to explain the fun­da­men­tals of pro­gram­ming to Eva Paunova, bul­ga­rian MP (2015). On the right, you can see her pre­sen­ting her pro­ject at the Coolest Projects Awards in Dublin (2016). Still below, Federica with Camilla pre­sen­ting their Twisteys plat­form in Taibon Agordino (a tiny tiny vil­la­ge in the pro­vin­ce of Belluno) and in Milan, for the Coolest Project Awards Milano.

She was not the only kid of Coderdojo Verona in all the­se even­ts, but the­se pic­tu­res are clear­ly my favorite.

My invol­ve­ment with the Coderdojo move­ment star­ted after I visi­ted Coderdojo Trento. I occa­sio­nal­ly coo­pe­ra­te with them, mostly by acting as their liai­son with the University of Trento.

Coderdojo Verona and Coderdojo Trento coo­pe­ra­te with seve­ral asso­cia­tions who­se goal is to pro­mo­te the digi­tal cul­tu­re. To this end, I’m a co-foun­der of Villaggio Digitale and CoderDolomiti; but we also coo­pe­ra­te with Verona Fablab.



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