[1] Alberto Montresor, Agnese Del Zozzo, Giulia Paludo, Francesca Fiore, and Giorgia Bissoli. Informatics and constructionism for transdisciplinary teacher training. Q‑Times – Journal of Education, Technology and Social Studies, pages 1–19, 2025. To appear. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[2] Giulia Paludo, Agnese Del Zozzo, Francesca Fiore, and Alberto Montresor. Ai in cs education: Transformative interventions and research frameworks. In Proc. of the 6th International Conference on Higher Education Learning Methodologies and Technologies, HELMeTO’24, pages 1–19. Springer, September 2025. To appear. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[3] Francesca Fiore, Giulia Paludo, and Alberto Montresor. Fostering creative style “contamination” and self-efficacy in steam students through multidisciplinary co-design. In Proc. of the IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON’25, pages 1–10. IEEE, April 2025. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[4] Simi Surendran, Alberto Montresor, and Maneesha Vinodini Ramesh. A reinforcement learning approach for routing in marine communication network of fishing vessels. SN COMPUT. SCI., 6(62):1–19, 2025. [PDF] , [Bibtex].
[5] Maurizio Boscaini, Alberto Montresor, and Massimiliano Masetti. Hashtag – Corso di informatica con Python per il Liceo scientifico opzione scienze applicate – Volume 3. Hoepli, Milano, September 2024. [Bibtex] .
[6] Giulia Paludo and Alberto Montresor. Fostering metacognitive skills in programming: Leveraging AI to reflect on code. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Artificial INtelligent Systems in Education, AIxEDU’24, pages 13:1–13:13. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, December 2024. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[7] Sruthy Anand, Mojtaba Enayati, Dhanesh Raj, Alberto Montresor, and Maneesha Vinodini Ramesh. Internet over the ocean: A smart IoT-enabled digital ecosystem for empowering coastal fisher communities. Technology in Society, 79:102686, December 2024. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[8] Quintino Francesco Lotito, Alberto Montresor, and Federico Battiston. Multiplex measures for higher-order networks. Applied Network Science, 9(55), September 2024. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[9] Giulia Paludo and Alberto Montresor. Collaborative approaches for effective and sustainable integration of computational thinking educational strategies. In Proceedings of the 19th WiPSCE Conference on Primary and Secondary Computing Education Research, WiPSCE’24, pages 33:1–33:2. ACM, September 2024. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[10] Giulia Paludo, Carlotta Vielmo, Francesca Fiore, Agnese Del Zozzo, Gisella Decarli, Alberto Montresor, and Milena Bigatto. Re-imagining education through AI: Students insights from DigiEduHack. In Proc. of 5th Int. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence in Education Technology, AIET’24, pages 1–14. Springer, July 2024. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[11] Luca Cavalcanti, Cristian Consonni, Martin Brugnara, David Laniado, and Alberto Montresor. Comparing personalized relevance algorithms for directed graphs. In 40th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE’24, pages 5401–5404. IEEE, May 2024. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[12] Francesca Fiore and Alberto Montresor. Inclusive coding perspectives: Youth insights from Trento. In Proc. of the IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON’24, pages 1–10. IEEE, May 2024. [PDF] , [Bibtex].
[13] Quintino Francesco Lotito, Federico Musciotto, Alberto Montresor, and Federico Battiston. Hyperlink communities in higher-order networks. J. Complex Networks, 12(2), April 2024. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[14] Quintino Francesco Lotito, Federico Musciotto, Federico Battiston, and Alberto Montresor. Exact and sampling methods for mining higher-order motifs in large hypergraphs. Springer Computing, pages 475–494, February 2024. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[15] Giulia Peserico, Maria Serafini, Francesca Voltolini, Federica Picasso, Daniele Agostini, Francesca Fiore, Anna Serbati, and Alberto Montresor. The PRIMM method for teaching programming: experimentation and validation. In Proc. of the 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, ICERI’23, November 2023. [PDF] , [Bibtex].
[16] Francesca Fiore and Alberto Montresor. The design process of the ”ApeLab”: a Fablab on wheels. In Proc. of the IEEE ASEE Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE’23. IEEE, October 2023. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[17] Matilde Gugole, Francesca Fiore, Tommaso Rosi, Giuliano Zendri, and Alberto Montresor. Stem-KIT: An interdisciplinary approach to learning physics and computer science. In Proc. of the IEEE ASEE Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE’23. IEEE, October 2023. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[18] Alberto Montresor and Francesca Fiore. Embracing the challenge: A committed constructionist’s reflections on strategies for fostering an engaging learning community. In Proc. of the Constructionism/Fablearn Conference, October 2023. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[19] Quintino Francesco Lotito, Martina Contisciani, Caterina De Bacco, Leonardo Di Gaetano, Luca Gallo, Alberto Montresor, Federico Musciotto, Nicolò Ruggeri, and Federico Battiston. Hypergraphx: a library for higher-order network analysis. Journal of Complex Networks, 11(3), May 2023. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[20] Maurizio Boscaini, Alberto Montresor, and Massimiliano Masetti. Hashtag – Corso di informatica con Python per il liceo scientifico opzione scienze applicate – Volume 2. Hoepli, Milano, 2023. [Bibtex].
[21] Simi Surendran, Maneesha V. Ramesh, Alberto Montresor, and Martin Montag. Link characterization and edge-centric predictive modelling in an ocean network. IEEE Access, 11:5031–5046, January 2023. ISBN 2169–3536. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[22] Simi Surendran, Alberto Montresor, Maneesha Vinodini Ramesh, and Paolo Casari. Reinforcement learning-based connectivity restoration in an ocean network of fishing vessels. In Proc. of the International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems, Ants’22. IEEE, December 2022. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[23] Francesca Fiore, Alessandra Scroccaro, Arianna Conci, and Alberto Montresor. Challenge-based learning as a tool for creativity and talent expression. In Proc. of the 50th Annual Conference of The European Society for Engineering Education, SEFI’22. SEFI, September 2022. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[24] Francesca Fiore and Alberto Montresor. Informatica + STE(A)M oltre il genere. proposte metodologiche per affrontare le sfide del XXI secolo. In Marina Della Giusta, Barbara Poggio, and Mauro Spicci, editors, Educare alla parità. Principi, metodologie didattiche e strategie di azione per l’equità e l’inclusione. Pearson Academy, 2022. [Bibtex].
[25] Maurizio Boscaini, Alberto Montresor, and Massimiliano Masetti. Hashtag – Corso di informatica con Python per il liceo scientifico opzione scienze applicate – Volume 1. Hoepli, Milano, 2022. [Bibtex].
[26] Quintino Francesco Lotito, Federico Musciotto, Alberto Montresor, and Federico Battiston. Higher-order motif analysis in hypergraphs. Communications Physics, 5(1):79, 2022. ISBN 2399–3650. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[27] Giovanni De Toni, Cristian Consonni, and Alberto Montresor. A general method for estimating the prevalence of influenza-like-symptoms with Wikipedia data. PLoS ONE, 16(28):e0256858, 2021. ISSN 1932–6203. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[28] Francesca Fiore, Alberto Montresor, and Maurizio Marchese. A maker approach for the future of learning. In Proc. of the International Conference on Computing, Design and Making in Education, FabLearn/MakeEd’21. ACM, June 2021. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[29] Simi Surendran, Maneesha Vinodini Ramesh, and Alberto Montresor. Predictive analytics integrated multi-level optimization of offshore connectivity in ocean network. In 46th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, LCN 2021, pages 621–628. IEEE, 2021. URL https://doi.org/10.1109/LCN52139.2021.9525021. [PDF], [Bibtex] .
[30] Zekarias T. Kefato, Sarunas Girdzijauskas, Nasrullah Sheikh, and Alberto Montresor. Dynamic embeddings for interaction prediction. In Jure Leskovec, Marko Grobelnik, Marc Najork, Jie Tang, and Leila Zia, editors, The Web Conference 2021, WWW’21, pages 1609–1618. ACM / IW3C2, April 2021. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[31] Simi Surendran, Maneesha Vinodini Ramesh, Martin J. Montag, and Alberto Montresor. Modelling communication capability and node reorientation in offshore communication network. Computers & Electrical Engineering, 87, 2020. ISSN 0045–7906. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[32] Cristian Consonni, David Laniado, and Alberto Montresor. Cyclerank, or there and back again: Personalized relevance scores from cyclic paths on directed graphs. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 476(2241), September 2020. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[33] Leonardo Maccari, Lorenzo Ghiro, Alessio Guerrieri, Alberto Montresor, and Renato Lo Cigno. Exact distributed load centrality computation: Algorithms, convergence, and applications to distance vector routing. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst., 31(7):1693–1706, 2020. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[34] Quintino Francesco Lotito and Alberto Montresor. Efficient algorithms to mine maximal span-trusses from temporal graphs. In Proceedings of the 16th Int. Workshop on Mining and Learning With Graphs, MLG’20. ACM, August 2020. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[35] Massimiliano Luca, Alberto Montresor, Carlo Caprini, and Daniele Miorandi. An architecture-independent data model for managing information generated by human-chatbot interactions. In Proceedings of the 8th Int. Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development, MODELSWARD, pages 344–351. SCITEPRESS, 2020. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[36] Giuliano Mega, Alberto Montresor, and Gian Pietro Picco. Social overlays meet the cloud: A hybrid architecture for profile dissemination in decentralized social networks. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 6(4):613–627, Oct 2019. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[37] Andrea Zanotto, Nicola Conci, and Alberto Montresor. Blockchain-grade privacy protection in surveillance systems. In Proceedings of the 13th Int. Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras, ICDSC 2019. ACM, December 2019. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[38] Nasrullah Sheikh, Zekarias T. Kefato, and Alberto Montresor. A simple approach to attributed graph embedding via enhanced autoencoder. In Proceedings of the Eighth Int. Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications (COMPLEX NETWORKS 2019), volume 881 of Studies in Computational Intelligence, pages 797–809. Springer, December 2019. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[39] Lorenzo Angeli, Milena Stoycheva, Francesca Fiore, Alberto Montresor, and Maurizio Marchese. A conceptual exploration in the intersection of crafts, technology and academia for sustainable job and skills development in the 21th century. In Proceedings of the 11th Int. Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EduLearn), pages 5:1–5:3. IATED, July 2019. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[40] Lorenzo Angeli, Francesca Fiore, Alberto Montresor, and Maurizio Marchese. Designing a hands-on learning space for the new generation. In Proceedings of the FabLearn Europe 2019 Conference. Association for Computing Machinery, May 2019. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[41] Cristian Consonni, David Laniado, and Alberto Montresor. Discovering topical contexts from links in Wikipedia. In Proc. of the Wiki Workshop 2019, May 2019. [Bibtex] .
[42] Cristian Consonni, David Laniado, and Alberto Montresor. WikiLinkGraphs: A complete, longitudinal and multi-language dataset of the Wikipedia link networks. In Proc. of the 13th Int. AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, ICWSM’19, pages 598–607. AAAI Press, June 2019. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[43] Cristian Consonni, Paolo Sottovia, Alberto Montresor, and Yannis Velegrakis. Discovering order dependencies through order compatibility. In Proc. of 22nd Int. Conference on Extending Database Technology, EDBT’19, pages 409–420, 2019. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[44] Pedro García López, Alberto Montresor, and Anwitaman Datta. Please, do not decentralize the Internet with (permissionless) blockchains! In Proc. of the 39th Int. Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, ICDCS’19, 2019. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[45] Nasrullah Sheikh, Zekarias Kefato, and Alberto Montresor. GAT2VEC: Representation learning for attributed graphs. Computing, 101(3):187–209, 2019. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[46] Luca Forlizzi, Michael Lodi, Violetta Lonati, Claudio Mirolo, Mattia Monga, Alberto Montresor, Anna Morpurgo, and Enrico Nardelli. A core informatics curriculum for italian compulsory education. In Proc. of 11th Int. Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution, and Perspectives (ISSEP’18), volume 11169 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 141–153. Springer, 2018. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[47] Zekarias T. Kefato, Nasrullah Sheikh, Leila Bahri, Amira Soliman, Alberto Montresor, and Sarunas Girdzijauskas. CAS2VEC: network-agnostic cascade prediction in online social networks. In Proc. of the 5th Int. Conference on Social Networks Analysis, Management and Security (SNAMS 2018), pages 72–79. IEEE, October 2018. Best paper award. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[48] Nasrullah Sheikh, Zekarias T. Kefato, and Alberto Montresor. Semi-supervised heterogeneous information network embedding for node classification using 1D-CNN. In Proc. of the 5th Int. Conference on Social Networks Analysis, Management and Security (SNAMS 2018), pages 177–181. IEEE, October 2018. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[49] Zekarias T. Kefato, Nasrullah Sheikh, and Alberto Montresor. REFINE: Representation learning from diffusion events. In Proc. of the 4th Conference on Machine Learning, Optimization and Data science, LOD’18. Springer, September 2018. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[50] Leonardo Maccari, Lorenzo Ghiro, Alessio Guerrieri, Alberto Montresor, and Renato Lo Cigno. On the distributed computation of load centrality and its application to DV routing. In Proc. of the IEEE Int. Conference on Computer Communications, INFOCOM’18. IEEE, April 2018. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[51] Alberto Montresor. Gossip and epidemic protocol. Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 1, 2017. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[52] Yannis Velegrakis Sabeur Aridhi, Alberto Montresor. BLADYG: A graph processing framework for large dynamic graphs. Big Data Research, 9:9–17, 2017. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[53] Zekarias T. Kefato, Nasrullah Sheikh, and Alberto Montresor. Mineral: Multi-modal network representation learning. In Proc. of the 3rd Int. Conference on Machine Learning, Optimization and Big Data, MOD’17. ACM, September 2017. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[54] Zekarias T. Kefato, Nasrullah Sheikh, and Alberto Montresor. Deepinfer: Diffusion network inference through representation learning. In Proc. of the 13th Int. Workshop on Mining and Learning With Graphs, MLG’17. ACM, August 2017. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[55] Zekarias T. Kefato and Alberto Montresor. Personalized influencer detection: Topic and exposure-conformity aware. In Proc. of the Int. Workshop on Mining Actionable Insights from Social Networks, MAISoN’17. ACM, February 2017. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[56] Weverton Luis da Costa Cordeiro, Flavio Roberto Santos, Marinho Pilla Barcelos, Luciano Paschoal Gaspary, Hanna Kavalionak, Alessio Guerrieri, and Alberto Montresor. Making puzzles green and useful for adaptive identity management in large-scale distributed systems. Computer Networks, 95:97 – 114, 2016. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[57] Alessio Guerrieri, Fatemeh Rahimian, Sarunas Girdzijauskas, and Alberto Montresor. Tovel: Distributed graph clustering for word sense disambiguation. In Procedings of the 4th ICDM Workshop on Data Science and Big Data Analytics, DSBDA’16. IEEE, Barcelona, Spain, December 2016. [Bibtex].
[58] Pedro García López, Raúl Gracia Tinedo, and Alberto Montresor. Towards data-driven software-defined infrastructures. In 2nd Int. Conference on Cloud Forward: From Distributed to Complete Computing, volume 97 of Procedia Computer Science, pages 144–147. Elsevier, Madrid, Spain, October 2016. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[59] Chayma Sakouhi, Sabeur Aridhi, Alessio Guerrieri, Salma Sassi, and Alberto Montresor1. DynamicDFEP: A distributed edge partitioning approach for large dynamic graphs. In Procedings of the 20th Int. Database Engineering & Applications Symposium, IDEAS’16. ACM, Montreal, Canada, July 2016. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[60] Alessio Guerrieri, Alberto Montresor, and Simone Centellegher. ETSCH: Partition-centric graph processing. In Proc. of the 1st Int. Conference on Cloud and Big Data Computing, CBDCom’16. IEEE, Toulouse, France, July 2016. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[61] Alberto Montresor and Pedro Garcia Lopez, editors. Proc. of the First Workshop on Edge Computing. IEEE, June 2016. [Bibtex].
[62] Alberto Montresor. Reflecting on the past, preparing for the future: from peer-to-peer to edge-centric computing. In Proc. of the 36th Int. Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, ICDCS’16. IEEE Computer Society, Nara, Japan, June 2016. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[63] Sabeur Aridhi, Martin Brugnara, Yannis Velegrakis, and Alberto Montresor. Distributed k-core decomposition and maintenance in large dynamic graphs. In Proc. of the 10th ACM Int. Conference on Distributed and Event-Based Systems, DEBS’16. ACM, Irvine, CA, June 2016. [PDF] , [Bibtex].
[64] Sabeur Aridhi, Alberto Montresor, and Yannis Velegrakis. BLADYG: A novel block-centric framework for the analysis of large dynamic graphs. In Proc. of the ACM Workshop on High Performance Graph Processing, HPGP@HPDC 2016, pages 39–42. ACM, Kyoto, Japan, May 2016. [PDF] , [Bibtex].
[65] Hanna Kavalionak, Amir Payberah, Alberto Montresor, and Jim Dowling. NATCloud: Cloud-assisted NAT-traversal service. In Proc. of the 31st Symposium on Applied Computing, SAC’16. ACM, Pisa, Italy, April 2016. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[66] Pedro Garcia Lopez, Alberto Montresor, Dick Epema, Anwitaman Datta, Teruo Higashino, Adriana Iamnitchi, Marinho Barcellos, Pascal Felber, and Etienne Riviere. Edge-centric computing: Vision and challenges. SIGCOMM Comput. Commun. Rev., 45(5):37–42, September 2015. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[67] Alessio Guerrieri and Alberto Montresor. DFEP: Distributed funding-based edge partitioning. In Proc. of the 21th Int. Conference on Parallel Processing, EuroPar’15. Springer, 2015. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[68] Hanna Kavalionak, Emanuele Carlini, Laura Ricci, Alberto Montresor, and Massimo Coppola. Integrating peer-to-peer and cloud computing for massively multiuser online games. Peer-to-Peer Networking and Application, 8(2):301–319, 2015. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[69] Alan Bertossi and Alberto Montresor. Algoritmi e strutture di dati - 3a Ed. Cittá Studi Edizioni, Torino, 2014. [Bibtex].
[70] Giovanni Simoni, Roberto Roverso, and Alberto Montresor. RankSlicing: A decentralized protocol for supernode selection. In Proc. of the 14th IEEE P2P Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing, P2P’14. IEEE, 2014. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[71] Alessio Guerrieri, Alberto Montresor, and Yannis Velegrakis. Top‑k item identification on dynamic and distributed datasets. In Proc. of the 20th Int. Conference on Parallel Processing, EuroPar’14. Springer, 2014. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[72] Benedikt Elser and Alberto Montresor. An evaluation study of BigData frameworks for graph processing. In Proc. of the 2013 IEEE Int. Conference on Big Data, BigData’13, pages 60–67. IEEE, Santa Clara, CA, USA, October 2013. ISBN 978–1‑4799–1292‑6. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[73] Amir H. Payberah, Hanna Kavalionak, Alberto Montresor, Jim Dowling, and Seif Haridi. Lightweight gossip-based distribution estimation. In Proc. of IEEE Int. Conference on Communications, ICC’13, pages 3439–3443. IEEE, Budapest, Hungary, June 2013. [Bibtex].
[74] Giuliano Mega, Alberto Montresor, and Gian Pietro Picco. Cloud-assisted dissemination in social overlays. In Proc. of the 13th IEEE P2P Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing, P2P’13. IEEE, Trento, Italy, September 2013. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[75] Alberto Montresor, Francesco de Pellegrini, and Daniele Miorandi. Distributed k-core decomposition. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst., 24 (2):288–300, 2013. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[76] Jan Sacha and Alberto Montresor. Identifying frequent items in distributed data sets. Computing, 95(4):289–307, 2013. [PDF], [Bibtex] .
[77] Marco Biazzini and Alberto Montresor. P2POEM: Function optimization in p2p networks. Peer-to-Peer Networking and Application, 6(2):213–232, 2013. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[78] Alberto Montresor, Evaggelia Pitoura, Anwitaman Datta, and Spyros Voulgaris. Topic 7: Peer to peer computing. In Proc. of the 18th Int. Conference on Parallel Processing, volume 7484 of EuroPar’12, page 363. Springer, August 2012. ISBN 978–3‑642–32819‑0. [Bibtex].
[79] Alberto Montresor, Guszti Eiben, and Maarten van Steen. Extreme distributed systems: from large scale to complexity. Computing, 94(8–10): 619–620, 2012. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[80] Giuliano Mega, Alberto Montresor, and Gian Pietro Picco. On churn and communication delays in social overlays. In Proc. of the 12th IEEE P2P Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P’12), pages 214–223. IEEE, Tarragona, Spain, September 2012. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[81] Amir Hossein Payberah, Hanna Kavalionak, Vimalkumar Kumaresan, Alberto Montresor, and Seif Haridi. CLive: Cloud-assisted P2P live streaming. In Proc. of the 12th IEEE P2P Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P’12), pages 79–88. IEEE, Tarragona, Spain, September 2012. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[82] Alessio Guerrieri and Alberto Montresor. DS-Means: Distributed data stream clustering. In Proc. of the 18th Int. Conference on Parallel Processing, EuroPar’12, pages 260–271. Springer, 2012. [PDF], [Bibtex] .
[83] Alberto Montresor. Designing extreme distributed systems: Challenges and opportunities. In Proc. of the 8th Int. ACM SIGSOFT Conference on Quality of Software Architectures (QoSA’12). ACM, Bertinoro, Italy, June 2012. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[84] Hanna Kavalionak and Alberto Montresor. P2P and cloud: A marriage of convenience for replica management. In Proc. of the 7th IFIP Int. Workshop on Self-Organizing Systems (IWSOS’12), number 7166 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 60–71. Springer, Delft, The Netherlands, March 2012. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[85] Alberto Montresor and Luca Abeni. Cloudy weather for P2P, with a chance of gossip. In Proc. of the 11th IEEE P2P Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P’11), pages 250–259. IEEE, August 2011. Best paper award. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[86] Giuliano Mega, Alberto Montresor, and Gian Pietro Picco. Efficient dissemination in decentralized social networks. In Proc. of the 11th IEEE P2P Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P’11), pages 338–347. IEEE, August 2011. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[87] Alberto Montresor, Francesco de Pellegrini, and Daniele Miorandi. Brief announcement: Distributed k‑core decomposition. In Proc. of the 30th Annual ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC’11), pages 207–208. ACM, June 2011. Full version available here . [PDF], [Bibtex].
[88] Gabriela Gheorghe, Renato Lo Cigno, and Alberto Montresor. Security and privacy issues in P2P streaming systems: A survey. Peer-to-Peer Networking and Application, 4(2):75–91, 2011. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[89] Pascal Felber, Olivier Beaumont, Alberto Montresor, and Amitabha Bagchi. Topic 7 — Peer-to-Peer Computing. In Proc. of the 17th Int. Conference on Parallel Processing, volume 6852 of EuroPar’11, pages 514–515. Springer, Bordeaux, France, August 2011. [Bibtex].
[90] Marco Biazzini and Alberto Montresor. Gossiping differential evolution: a decentralized heuristic for function optimization in p2p networks. In Proc. of the 16th Int. Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS’10). IEEE, December 2010. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[91] Marco Ajelli, Renato Lo Cigno, and Alberto Montresor. Modeling botnets and epidemic malware. In Proc. of the Int. Communications Conference (ICC’10). IEEE, May 2010. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[92] Gian Paolo Jesi, Alberto Montresor, and Maarten van Steen. Secure peer sampling. Computer Networks, 54(13):2086–2098, June 2010. [PDF] , [Bibtex].
[93] Alessio Guerrieri, Iacopo Carreras, Francesco De Pellegrini, Daniele Miorandi, and Alberto Montresor. Distributed estimation of global parameters in delay–tolerant networks. Computer Communications, 33 (13):1472–1482, August 2010. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[94] Luca Abeni and Alberto Montresor. Scheduling in p2p streaming: From algorithms to protocols. In Thrasyvoulos Spyropoulos and Karin Anna Hummel, editors, Proc. of the 4th IFIP Int. Workshop on Self-Organizing Systems (IWSOS’09), volume 5918 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 201–206. Springer, Zurich, Switzerland, December 2009. ISBN 978–3‑642–10864‑8. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[95] Alberto Montresor and Márk Jelasity. Peersim: A scalable p2p simulator. In Proc. of the 9th Int. Conference on Peer-to-Peer (P2P’09), pages 99–100. IEEE, Seattle, WA, September 2009. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[96] Alberto Montresor, Fabrice Saffre, and Nenad Medvidovic, editors. 3rd IEEE Int. Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems (SASO’09). IEEE, San Francisco, CA, September 2009. [Bibtex].
[97] Alberto Montresor and Ali Ghodsi. Towards robust peer counting. In Proc. of the 9th Int. Conference on Peer-to-Peer (P2P’09), pages 143–146. IEEE, Seattle, WA, September 2009. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[98] Marco Biazzini, Balázs Bánhelyi, Alberto Montresor, and Márk Jelasity. Distributed hyper-heuristics for real parameter optimization. In Proc. of the 11th Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO’09), pages 1339–1346. ACM, Montreal, Québec, Canada, July 2009. ISBN 978–1‑60558–325‑9. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[99] Gian Paolo Jesi and Alberto Montresor. Secure peer sampling service: the mosquito attack. In Proc. of the 5th WETICE Workshop on Collaborative Peer-to-Peer Systems (COPS’09). IEEE, Groningen, The Netherlands, July 2009. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[100] Hein Meling and Alberto Montresor. Type-safe dynamic protocol composition in Jgroup/ARM. In Proc. of the 3rd Int. DiscCoTec Workshop on Middleware-Application Interaction (MAI’09), pages 1–6. ACM, Lisbon, Portugal, June 2009. ISBN 978–1‑60558–489‑8. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[101] Alessio Guerrieri, Alberto Montresor, Iacopo Carreras, Francesco De Pellegrini, and Daniele Miorandi. Distributed estimation of global parameters in delay–tolerant networks. In Proc. of the 3rd IEEE WoWMoM Workshop on Autonomic and Opportunistic Communications (AOC’09). IEEE, Kos, Greece, June 2009. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[102] Balázs Bánhelyi, Marco Biazzini, Alberto Montresor, and Márk Jelasity. Peer-to-peer optimization in large unreliable networks with branch-and-bound and particle swarms. In Applications of Evolutionary Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 87–92. Springer, jul 2009. An extended version of the paper can be found here . [PDF], [Bibtex].
[103] Márk Jelasity, Alberto Montresor, and Ozalp Babaoglu. T‑Man: Gossip-based fast overlay topology construction. Computer Networks, 53 (13):2321–2339, 2009. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[104] Mark Little, Alberto Montresor, and Greg Pavlik, editors. Proc. of the 10th Int. Symposium on Distributed Objects, Middleware, and Applications (DOA’08), volume 5331 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, Monterrey, Mexico, November 2008. [Bibtex].
[105] Alberto Montresor, Márk Jelasity, and Ozalp Babaoglu. Decentralized ranking in large-scale overlay networks. In Proc. of the 1st IEEE Selfman SASO Workshop, pages 208–213. IEEE, Isola di San Servolo, Venice, Italy, November 2008. An extended version of the paper can be found here . [PDF], [Bibtex].
[106] Alberto Montresor. Intelligent gossip. In 2nd Int. Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing (IDC’08). Springer, Catania, Italy, September 2008. Invited paper. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[107] Dick H. J. Epema, Alberto Montresor, Márk Jelasity, and Josep Jorba. Topic 7 — Peer-to-Peer Computing. In Proc. of the 14th Int. Conference on Parallel Processing, EuroPar’08, pages 599–600. Springer, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain), August 2008. [Bibtex].
[108] Hein Meling, Alberto Montresor, Bjarne Helvik, and Ozalp Babaoglu. Jgroup/ARM: A distributed object group platform with autonomous replication management. Software Prac. Exper., 38(9):885–923, July 2008. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[109] Alberto Montresor. Decentralized network analysis: a proposal. In 4th WETICE Workshop on Collaborative Peer-to-Peer Systems (COPS’08). IEEE, Rome, Italy, June 2008. Invited paper. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[110] Marco Biazzini, Alberto Montresor, and Mauro Brunato. Towards a decentralized architecture for optimization. In Proc. of the 22nd IEEE Int. Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS’08). IEEE, Miami, FL, USA, April 2008. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[111] Alberto Montresor and Roberto Zandonati. Absolute slicing in peer-to-peer systems. In Proc. of the 5th Int. Workshop on Hot Topics in Peer-to-Peer Systems (HotP2P’08). IEEE, Miami, FL, USA, April 2008. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[112] Gian Paolo Jesi, Alberto Montresor, and Ozalp Babaoglu. Proximity-aware superpeer overlay topologies. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 4(2):74–83, September 2007. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[113] Paolo Costa, Vincent Gramoli, Márk Jelasity, Gian Paolo Jesi, Erwan Le Merrer, Alberto Montresor, and Leonardo Querzoni. Exploring the interdisciplinary connections of gossip-based systems. SIGOPS Oper. Syst. Rev., 41(5):51–60, October 2007. ISSN 0163–5980. [PDF], [Bibtex] .
[114] Manfred Hauswirth, Adam Wierzbicki, Klaus Wherle, Alberto Montresor, and Nahid Shahmehri, editors. Proc. of the 7th Int. Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P’07). IEEE, September 2007. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[115] Alberto Montresor, Fabrice Le Fessant, Dick H. J. Epema, and Spyros Voulgaris. Topic 7 — Peer-to-Peer Computing. In Proc. of the 13th Int. Conference on Parallel Processing, EuroPar’07, pages 477–478. Springer, August 2007. [Bibtex].
[116] Ozalp Babaoglu, Toni Binci, Márk Jelasity, and Alberto Montresor. Firefly-inspired heartbeat synchronization in overlay networks. In Proc. of the First IEEE Int. Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems (SASO’07). IEEE, Boston, MA, USA, July 2007. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[117] Alberto Montresor, Adam Wierzbicki, and Nahid Shahmehri, editors. Proc. of the 6th Int. Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P’06). IEEE, September 2006. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[118] Ozalp Babaoglu, Geoffrey Canright, Andreas Deutsch, Gianni Di Caro, Frederick Ducatelle, Luca Gambardella, Niloy Ganguly, Márk Jelasity, Roberto Montemanni, and Alberto Montresor. Design patterns from biology for distributed computing. ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, 1(1):26–66, September 2006. [PDF] , [Bibtex].
[119] Márk Jelasity, Alberto Montresor, and Ozalp Babaoglu. The bootstrapping service. In Proc. of Int. ICDCS Workshop on Dynamic Distributed Systems (ICDCS-IWDDS’06). IEEE Computer Society, Lisboa, Portugal, July 2006. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[120] Anurag Garg, Alberto Montresor, and Roberto Battiti. Reputation lending for virtual communities. In Roger S. Barga and Xiaofang Zhou, editors, Proc. of the 22nd Int. Conference on Data Engineering Workshops (ICDE’06), pages 22–31. IEEE Computer Society, Atlanta, GA, USA, April 2006. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[121] Gian Paolo Jesi, Alberto Montresor, and Ozalp Babaoglu. Proximity-aware superpeer overlay topologies. In Proc. of SelfMan’06, volume 3996 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 43–57. Springer-Verlag, Dublin, Ireland, June 2006. Best paper award. [PDF] , [Bibtex].
[122] Frank Eliassen and Alberto Montresor, editors. Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems: 6th IFIP WG 6.1 Int. Conference, DAIS’06, volume 4025 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer-Verlag, June 2006. ISBN 3–540-35126–4. [Bibtex].
[123] Ozalp Babaoglu, Márk Jelasity, Anne-Marie Kermarrec, Alberto Montresor, and Maarten van Steen. Managing clouds: A case for a fresh look at large unreliable dynamic networks. SIGOPS Oper. Syst. Rev., 40 (3):9–13, July 2006. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[124] Ozalp Babaoglu, Geoffrey Canright, Andreas Deutsch, Gianni Di Caro, Frederick Ducatelle, Luca Gambardella, Niloy Ganguly, Márk Jelasity, Roberto Montemanni, and Alberto Montresor. Design patterns from biology for distributed computing. In Proc. of the European Conference on Complex Systems. Paris, France, November 2005. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[125] Alberto Montresor, Márk Jelasity, and Ozalp Babaoglu. Chord on demand. In Proc. of the 5th Int. Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P’05), pages 87–94. IEEE, Konstanz, Germany, August 2005. [PDF] , [Bibtex].
[126] Márk Jelasity, Alberto Montresor, and Ozalp Babaoglu. Gossip-based aggregation in large dynamic networks. ACM Trans. Comput. Syst., 23 (1):219–252, August 2005. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[127] Ozalp Babaoglu, Márk Jelasity, Alberto Montresor, Christof Fetzer, Stefano Leonardi, Aad van Moorsel, and Maarten van Steen, editors. Self-Star Properties in Complex Information Systems, volume 3460 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Hot Topics. Springer-Verlag, May 2005. ISBN 3–540-26009–9. [Bibtex].
[128] Bjarne Helvik, Hein Meling, and Alberto Montresor. An approach to experimentally obtain service dependability characteristics of the Jgroup/ARM system. In Proc. of the 5th European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC’05). Springer, Budapest, Hungary, April 2005. [PDF] , [Bibtex].
[129] Alberto Montresor. A robust protocol for building superpeer overlay topologies. In Proc. of the 4th Int. Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing, pages 202–209. IEEE, Zurich, Switzerland, August 2004. [PDF], [Bibtex] .
[130] Alberto Montresor, Márk Jelasity, and Ozalp Babaoglu. Robust aggregation protocols for large-scale overlay networks. In Proc. of the 2004 Int. Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN’04), pages 19–28. IEEE Computer Society, Florence, Italy, June 2004. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[131] Márk Jelasity, Alberto Montresor, and Ozalp Babaoglu. A modular paradigm for building self-organizing peer-to-peer applications. In Engineering Self-Organising Systems: Nature-Inspired Approaches to Software Engineering, number 2977 in Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pages 265–282. Springer-Verlag, April 2004. [PDF], [Bibtex] .
[132] Márk Jelasity and Alberto Montresor. Epidemic-style proactive aggregation in large overlay networks. In Proc. of the 24th Int. Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS’04), pages 102–109. IEEE Computer Society, Tokyo, Japan, March 2004. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[133] Nadia Busi, Alberto Montresor, and Gianluigi Zavattaro. Data-driven coordination in peer-to-peer information systems. Int. Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, 13(1):63–89, March 2004. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[134] Ozalp Babaoglu, Márk Jelasity, and Alberto Montresor. Grassroots approach to self-management in large-scale distributed systems. In Jean-Pierre Banâtre, Pascal Fradet, Jean-Louis Giavitto, and Olivier Michel, editors, Proc. of the Int. Workshop on Unconventional Programming Paradigms (UPP’04), volume 3566 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 286–296. Springer, Le Mont Saint Michel, France, September 2005. [Bibtex].
[135] Alberto Montresor, Hein Meling, and Özalp Babaoglu. Toward self-organizing, self-repairing and resilient distributed systems. In André Schiper, Alexander A. Shvartsman, Hakim Weatherspoon, and Ben Y. Zhao, editors, Future Directions in Distributed Computing, Research and Position Papers, volume 2584 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 119–126. Springer, 2003. ISBN 3–540-00912–4. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[136] Alberto Montresor, Hein Meling, and Ozalp Baboglu. Messor: Load-balancing through a swarm of autonomous agents. In Proc. of the 1st Workshop on Agent and Peer-to-Peer Systems (AP2PC’02), number 2530 in Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pages 125–137. Springer-Verlag, Bologna, Italy, July 2003. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[137] Nadia Busi, Cristian Manfredini, Alberto Montresor, and Gianluigi Zavattaro. PeerSpaces: Data-driven coordination in peer-to-peer networks. In Proc. of the 18th Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC’03), pages 380–386. ACM, Melbourne, Florida, March 2003. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[138] Alberto Bartoli, Cosimo Calabrese, Milan Prica, Etienne Antoniutti Di Muro, and Alberto Montresor. Adaptive message packing for group communication systems. In Proc. of the Workshop on Reliable and Secure Middleware (WRSM’03), number 2889 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 912–925. Springer-Verlag, 2003. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[139] Alberto Montresor, Hein Meling, and Ozalp Babaoglu. Towards adaptive, resilient and self-organizing peer-to-peer systems. In Web Engineering and Peer-to-Peer, number 2376 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 300–305. Springer-Verlag, 2002. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[140] Nadia Busi, Cristian Manfredini, Alberto Montresor, and Gianluigi Zavattaro. Towards a data-driven coordination infrastructure for peer-to-peer systems. In Web Engineering and Peer-to-Peer, number 2376 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 295–299. Springer-Verlag, 2002. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[141] Ozalp Babaoglu, Hein Meling, and Alberto Montresor. Anthill: A framework for the development of agent-based peer-to-peer systems. In Proc. of the 22th Int. Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS’02). IEEE, Vienna, Austria, July 2002. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[142] Alberto Montresor, Renzo Davoli, and Ozalp Babaoglu. Enhancing Jini with group communication. In Proc. of the 21st Int. Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops (ICDCS’01). IEEE, Phoenix, AZ, USA, April 2001. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[143] Ozalp Babaoglu, Renzo Davoli, and Alberto Montresor. Group communication in partitionable systems: Specification and algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 27(4):308–336, April 2001. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[144] Ozalp Babaoglu, Renzo Davoli, and Alberto Montresor. Group communication in partitionable systems: Specification and algorithms. In Sacha Krakoviak and Santosh Shirivastava, editors, Advances in Distributed Systems, number 1752 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 48–78. Springer-Verlag, 1999. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[145] Alberto Montresor. The Jgroup reliable distributed object model. In Proc. of the 2nd IFIP Int. Working Conference on Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems (DAIS’99), pages 389–402. Kluwer, Helsinki, Finland, June 1999. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[146] Ozalp Babaoglu, Renzo Davoli, Alberto Montresor, and Roberto Segala. System support for partition-aware network applications. In Proc. of the 18th Int. Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS’98), pages 184–191. IEEE, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 1998. [PDF], [Bibtex].