Decentralized Online Social Networks
Online social networks (OSN) have attracted billions of users. This enormous success is not without problems, though; the centralized architectures of OSNs, storing the users’ personal data, provides ample opportunity to privacy violation. Starting in 2011, Giuliano Mega, Gian Pietro Picco and I have started to investigate alternative approaches, based on open, decentralized alternatives.
We tackled the following research question: is it possible to build a decentralized OSN over a social overlay, i.e., an overlay network whose links among nodes mirror the social network relationships among the nodes’ owners? We first studied whether one fundamental piece of OSN (the dissemination of profile updates) can be implemented in a decentralized way [P2P11]. We later investigated the effects of churn and failures on the availability of such profiles [P2P12]. We finally evaluated whether an hybrid approach based on both peer-to-peer and cloud services could provide both privacy and performance [P2P13]; the answer was positive. Apart from his Ph.D. thesis, the work of Giuliano is summarized in a 2019 paper published in IEEE Transactions of Network Science and Engineering [TNSE19].
[P2P11] Giuliano Mega, Alberto Montresor, and Gian Pietro Picco. Efficient dissemination in decentralized social networks. In Proc. of the 11th IEEE P2P Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P’11), pages 338–347. IEEE, August 2011.[PDF], [Bibtex].
[P2P12] Giuliano Mega, Alberto Montresor, and Gian Pietro Picco. On churn and communication delays in social overlays. In Proc. of the 12th IEEE P2P Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P’12), pages 214–223. IEEE, Tarragona, Spain, September 2012. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[P2P13] Giuliano Mega, Alberto Montresor, and Gian Pietro Picco. Cloud-assisted dissemination in social overlays. In Proc. of the 13th IEEE P2P Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing, P2P’13. IEEE, Trento, Italy, September 2013. [PDF], [Bibtex].
[TNSE19] Giuliano Mega, Alberto Montresor, and Gian Pietro Picco. Social overlays meet the cloud: A hybrid architecture for profile dissemination in decentralized social networks. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 6(4):613–627, Oct 2019. [PDF], [Bibtex].