Distributed optimization

Distributed optimization

Scientists wor­king in the area of distri­bu­ted func­tion opti­mi­za­tion have to deal with a huge varie­ty of opti­mi­za­tion tech­ni­ques and algo­ri­thms. Most of the exi­sting research in this domain make use of tightly-cou­pled systems that either have strict syn­chro­ni­za­tion requi­re­men­ts or com­ple­te­ly rely on a cen­tral ser­ver, which coor­di­na­tes the work of clien­ts and acts as a sta­te repo­si­to­ry. The pos­si­bi­li­ty of per­for­ming such opti­mi­za­tion tasks in a P2P decen­tra­li­zed net­work of sol­vers has been inve­sti­ga­ted and explo­red, obtai­ning qui­te pro­mi­sing results.

Marco Biazzini, a for­mer Ph.D. stu­dent of mine, desi­gned and deve­lo­ped P2Poem, a ‘P2P Optimization Epidemic Middleware’ that aims to brid­ge the gap bet­ween the issues rela­ted to the desi­gn and deploy­ment of lar­ge-sca­le P2P systems and the need to easi­ly deploy and exe­cu­te opti­mi­za­tion tasks in such a distri­bu­ted envi­ron­ment. His work has been publi­shed in seve­ral con­fe­ren­ces [IPDPS08] [GECCO09] [AEC09] [ICPADS10] and sum­ma­ri­zed in a jour­nal paper [PPNA13].

[IPDPS08]   Marco Biazzini, Alberto Montresor, and Mauro Brunato. Towards a decen­tra­li­zed archi­tec­tu­re for opti­mi­za­tion. In Proc. of the 22nd IEEE Int. Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS’08)IEEE, Miami, FLUSA, April 2008. [PDF][Bibtex].

[GECCO09]   Marco Biazzini, Balázs Bánhelyi, Alberto Montresor, and Márk Jelasity. Distributed hyper-heu­ri­stics for real para­me­ter opti­mi­za­tion. In Proc. of the 11th Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO’09), pages 1339–1346. ACM, Montreal, Québec, Canada, July 2009. ISBN 978–1–60558–325–9. [PDF][Bibtex].

[AEC09] Balázs Bánhelyi, Marco Biazzini, Alberto Montresor, and Márk Jelasity. Peer-to-peer opti­mi­za­tion in lar­ge unre­lia­ble net­works with branch-and-bound and par­ti­cle swarms. In Applications of Evolutionary Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 87–92. Springer, July 2009. An exten­ded ver­sion of the paper can be found here [PDF][Bibtex].

[ICPADS10]   Marco Biazzini and Alberto Montresor. Gossiping dif­fe­ren­tial evo­lu­tion: a decen­tra­li­zed heu­ri­stic for func­tion opti­mi­za­tion in p2p net­works. In Proc. of the 16th Int. Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS’10)IEEE, December 2010. [PDF][Bibtex].

[PPNA13]   Marco Biazzini and Alberto Montresor. P2POEM: Function opti­mi­za­tion in P2P net­works. Peer-to-Peer Networking and Application, 6(2):213–232, 2013. [PDF][Bibtex].

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