Scaffolding — Primm

The assi­gned rea­ding intro­du­ces a peda­go­gi­cal approach for tea­ching pro­gram­ming cal­led PRIMM (Predict, Run, Investigate, Modify, Make). PRIMM pro­po­ses an edu­ca­tio­nal fra­mework on scaf­fol­ding, which sees a pro­gres­si­ve “appro­pria­tion” of the code that goes from being “not mine” (rea­ding and stu­dy­ing), “par­tial­ly mine” (cor­rec­tion and modi­fi­ca­tion), to “mine” (wri­ting).

The arti­cle is asso­cia­ted with a web­si­te, whe­re some mate­rials are proposed.


  • As usual, iden­ti­fy rele­vant aspec­ts of the pro­po­sed arti­cle, posi­ti­ve­ly or negatively.
  • Thinking back to the pro­gram­ming cour­ses you have taken, what was the rela­tion­ship bet­ween rea­ding and wri­ting code?
  • Reflect on how to inte­gra­te the­se con­cep­ts into the “basic” les­sons you have plan­ned for next week.

Riferimenti aggiun­ti­vi

The PRIMM fra­mework is desi­gned for tex­tual lan­gua­ges and is sui­ta­ble for secon­da­ry school (both lower and upper level). It takes inspi­ra­tion from alrea­dy exi­sting models, which are named UMC (Use-Modify-Create) and TIPP&SEE (Title, Instructions, Purpose, Play; Sprites, Events, Explore), descri­bed in the­se articles:

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